
If we are sent to disciple every “nation” by training them to obey all His commands, then that would mean that we disciple a “nation” only when it is permeated by obedient disciples. Spontaneous reproduction of churches means the Holy Spirit moves a church to reproduce daughter churches on its own without outsiders pushing the process.

Theological speaking, the good soil needed for the gospel seed to take root and multiply is bad people, and lots of them.

We must focus on one people group, the one God has given us. He knew what kind of churches to plant and where.

The right steps will vary for each field but will always include teaching the converts first to obey Jesus’ basic commands.  Take the shortest route possible to start a real church – a group of believers in Christ dedicated to obeying His commands.

That’s the funny thing about God’s grace – He wants us to slop it over on the unworthy.

We must use the best people God gives us as the churches multiply, or the new disciples have no leadership at all.

To build up the Church as a living, reproducing body, the pastors and teachers are to train members of the church for the ministry, to edify the Body of Christ.

Timothy was instructed on how to work with newly planted churches and their elders.

 You have often heard me teach. Now I want you to tell these same things to followers who can be trusted to tell others. – 2 Timothy 2:2

We all want a good, strong ministry and when you know it is right for the local body to choose their own leaders, they will make mistakes and you will be disappointed.

We all have to learn to let the Holy Spirit integrate diverse ministries and gifts in the united body.

Education objectives will include educating the leader. Our education should seek only to edify the church in love.

Have you ever seen a mission pastors practicing herding rather than leading?  Where do you suppose pastors pick up the bad practice of herding others?

After affirming His deity and total authority on earth, Jesus commissioned His Church to make disciples who obey all His commands. His commands take priority over all other institutional rules.

Here are some simple basic commands given to us by Jesus that every new follower should memorize.

  • Repent and believe
  • Be baptized and continue in the new life it initiates
  • Love God and neighbour in a practical way
  • Celebrate the Lord’s supper
  • Pray
  • Give
  • Disciple others

Faith, repentance and immediate baptism of the entire family or group – no indication to make a decision – can be the norm. Repentance goes deeper than a decision – it is a permanent change brought about by God’s Spirit.

Healthy daughter churches need loving, edifying discipling relationships within themselves and with the mother church.

Each church should send workers to reproduce daughter churches. God promised to give apostles to every church.

The Holy Spirit flows readily through the bonds that exist between family members and close friends, so keeping new converts in a loving relationship with them is important.

Like a grain of wheat, each new church in a chain has the same potential to start the reproduction all over again. The growth of churches is compared to the growth and reproduction to that of plants. Like all other living creatures God has created, the Church has her own seed in herself to reproduce after her own kind.

Just as Paul plants, Apollos waters, and God gives the growth – we sow, water, weed, fertilize and fence the crop, but rely on the Church’s own God-given potential to reproduce.
